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    film festival 結果共28筆

  • 王淨「香菜梗」成國際笑點! 《鬼才之道》《女兒的女兒》多倫多影展奪獎

    第49屆多倫多國際影展(Toronto Internation Film Festival, TIFF)有2部臺灣電影創下佳績,文策院於當地舉辦影人見面會暨交流座談,邀請張艾嘉、黃熙導演、徐漢強導演、王淨、劉奕兒齊聚一堂,15日深夜傳回捷報,徐漢強導演作品《鬼才之道》在「午夜瘋狂」單元獲得觀眾票選獎亞軍,《女兒的女兒》的女主角張艾嘉則在站台單元破天荒奪得「榮譽提及獎」,雙雙成為台灣之光!
    2024/09/17 20:53
  • Taiwanese films win big at Toronto Film Festival

    Discover how two Taiwanese films made history at the Toronto International Film Festival, with "Daughter’s Daughter" and "Dead Talents Society" winning awards. Learn about Sylvia Chang’s praised performance and the films’ impact.
    2024/09/16 20:00
  • Kaohsiung Film Festival to feature ’Penguin Girl’ as opener

    Discover the 2024 Kaohsiung Film Festival, running from Oct. 12-27, featuring opening film "Penguin Girl" and closing with "Hunter Brothers." Explore over 200 films and 100 fan events across multiple venues in Kaohsiung.
    2024/09/02 14:55
  • 《鬼才之道》進軍國際! 入選2024多倫多影展成台灣之光

    由徐漢強執導的喜劇電影《鬼才之道》在台灣時間7月25日晚上公布,入選第49屆多倫多國際影展( Toronto International Film Festival )「午夜瘋狂單元片單」,是近三年唯一入選此單元的台灣電影,將於多倫多國際影展期間於北美首映。
    2024/07/26 13:30
  • Golden Horse Awards sees potential withdrawal of China films

    China’s new film regulations may affect the Golden Horse Awards, with insights on the impact of requiring domestic short films to register for international festivals.
    2024/07/05 11:57
  • Kaohsiung hosts Asia’s largest XR film festival this October

    Discover the 2024 Taiwan Culture Technology Conference in Kaohsiung from Oct. 12-27, focusing on cultural technology trends with a theme of "Game." Highlights include gaming, virtual idols, tech art, and Asia’s largest XR film festival.
    2024/06/27 16:07
  • 張藝謀獲義大利烏甸尼遠東國際影展終身成就獎 今年第二座

    第26屆義大利烏甸尼遠東國際影展(Udine Far East Film Festival),昨晚將今年第二座「金桑樹終身成就獎」(Golden Mulberry Award for Lifetime Achievement)頒發給曾執導《大紅燈籠高高掛》等經典華語片的名導張藝謀,並特別請來前天甫獲同一獎項的台灣製片家邱復生頒發該獎項給張藝謀,肯定他的作品不僅拍出獨有的亞洲電影風格特色。
    2024/05/03 21:30
  • 邱復生義大利獲頒「終身成就獎」! 曾寶儀攜《愛情城事》同框祝賀

    第26屆義大利甸尼遠東國際影展(Udine Far East Film Festival),昨(29)晚將最高榮譽「金桑樹終身成就獎」,頒發給台灣資深製片人邱復生,肯定他對兩岸三地華語電影的貢獻,頒完獎後即在有1200人座席的大劇院放映蕭雅全執導的電影《老狐狸》,這是歷年來台灣電影與影人在烏甸尼影展光芒畢露的一刻。
    2024/04/30 17:15
  • Fire EX. announces first northern Taiwan concert in 8 years

    Fire EX. announces "One Life, One Shot" concert at Taipei Music Center on June 15, marking their first major northern Taiwan performance in eight years. The band, known for their punk music, gained fame with their hit "Island’s Sunrise" during the 2014 Sunflower Student Movement. Join them for a unique musical experience showcasing life as "a film shot in one take." Don’t miss their upcoming North American tour and participation in South by Southwest festival.
    2024/02/27 13:44
  • 《火上鍋》如美食饗宴 影評餓著肚子看完:媲美任何烹飪經典的佳作

    法國電影《火上鍋》(The Taste of Things)曾入選第96屆奧斯卡金像獎15強、導演陳英雄更藉由這部作品獲得第76屆坎城影展(Cannes Film Festival)「最佳導演獎」,這部由曾榮獲奧斯卡最佳女配角獎的茱麗葉畢諾許(Juliette Binoche)和坎城影帝班諾馬吉梅(Benoît Magimel)聯合主演的電影更被影評人譽為「能與其他經典美食電影相媲美的電影饗宴」。
    2024/02/23 16:48
  • Exploring Taiwan’s democratic challenges at FICA

    Taiwan takes center stage at the 30th Festival International des Cinémas d’Asie (FICA) in Paris as the theme country, showcasing a range of films from the martial law era to the works of new directors. Filmmaker Jean-Robert Thomann, who holds dual citizenship from France and Taiwan, presents his latest documentary, "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy," in FICA’s documentary competition. The film, shot between 2021 and 2023, delves into the challenges faced by Taiwan’s democratic process, examining major referendums and the Taichung legislator election. Thomann believes Taiwan’s global recognition extends beyond seeking a seat in the United Nations, emphasizing the importance of parliamentary links, cultural and economic exchanges, and soft power rooted in creativity. He hopes his documentary will deepen French audiences’ understanding of Taiwan and inspire further exploration of the country. Thomann highlights that threats to Taiwan are not only external but also internal, with social media manipulation and fake news posing challenges to democracies worldwide. Despite these challenges, Thomann regards Taiwan as a remarkable example of democracy, particularly in Asia, and remains optimistic about the island’s democratic system. "Taiwan, Chronicle of a Threatened Democracy" premiered at FICA and is set to be screened in France, Taiwan, and Sweden.
    2024/02/07 14:32
  • Taiwan’s puppetry shines at Rotterdam Film Festival

    Taiwan’s historical documentary "Qianlong’s Tour of the West Lake" has been chosen for the Cinema Regained category at the 2024 International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR), showcasing Taiwan’s traditional hand puppetry culture. Directed by Liu Yi-hung in 1994, the film was restored from 35mm original footage to 4K, paying tribute to Taiwanese puppet master Li Tien-lu and his ’I Wan Jan Puppet Theater.’ The IFFR’s recognition of Liu’s work highlights Taiwan’s cinematographic prowess. Li, born into a family of puppeteers, founded the I Wan Jan Puppet Theater in 1932, incorporating his distinctive Southern Min dialect. The IFFR previously screened the Taiwanese puppet film "Demigod: The Legend Begins" multiple times in 2023, further promoting Taiwan’s puppetry culture. The selection of "Qianlong’s Tour of West Lake" at the 2024 Rotterdam Film Festival brings Taiwan’s traditional puppetry culture closer to European movie enthusiasts. The IFFR, taking place from Jan. 25 to Feb. 4, 2024, has chosen three Taiwanese films, including "Who’ll Stop the Rain" by director Su Yi-hsuan and "When the Wind Rises" directed by Chen Hao, showcasing the breadth and quality of Taiwan’s filmmaking.
    2024/01/04 15:26
  • 布袋戲大師走出國際! 經典修復《乾隆遊西湖》入選國際影展

    國際鹿特丹影展(International Film Festival Rotterdam,IFFR)於日前公佈2024年年度入圍名單,台灣文史紀錄片《乾隆遊西湖》獲選Cinema Regained經典單元!該單元聚焦修復經典、電影文化紀錄片以及電影遺產相關主題,於本屆總共收錄46部作品,其中包含日本社會派電影大師山本薩夫的《白色巨塔》。
    2024/01/04 12:50
  • Lee Sun-kyun’s death shakes entertainment industry

    South Korean actor Lee Sun-kyun was found deceased in his car on Wednesday (Dec. 27), shocking the South Korean entertainment industry. Promotional events and meetings for the movie "12.12: The Day" starring Jung Woo-sung and Hwang Jung-min have been canceled. The public press conference for the drama "Marry My Husband" starring Park Min-young has been postponed. Lee’s projects, "Silence" and "The Land of Happiness," may now face delays. "Silence" had been invited to the Cannes Film Festival and was scheduled for release later this year or early next year. "The Land of Happiness" has been completed, with release times under consideration. Film distributors had planned to wait for the outcome of an investigation into Lee’s drug use allegations before deciding on the release date, but after his death, the timeline has become uncertain.
    2023/12/27 15:46
  • 吳慷仁《富都青年》再拿一獎 明決戰阮經天搶金馬帝座

    由吳慷仁主演新片《富都青年》入圍本屆金馬影帝,目前與阮經天兩人奪帝呼聲最高,不過今(24)日他先在在菲律賓QCinema International Film Festival 獲得「最佳演員獎」,繼拿下FIRST青年電影展影帝寶座後、再添一金,拿獎氣勢旺。
    2023/11/24 17:34
  • Dutch film ’Invisible Nation’ casts Taiwan in new light

    "Invisible Nation," a documentary portraying Taiwan’s path to democracy and featuring President Tsai Ing-wen, premiered at the International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, drawing acclaim for its unbiased and unique perspective.
    2023/11/19 16:26
  • Ang Lee named president of jury for 60th Golden Horse Awards

    Director Ang Lee will serve as the president of the jury for the 60th Golden Horse Awards, marking his return to the role after a decade. Lee, who previously acted as president of the jury for the 50th Golden Horse Awards, expressed his anticipation and excitement for the event.
    2023/09/26 17:58
  • 金馬導演威尼斯影展奪獎! 《五月雪》爆雙喜入選溫哥華國際影展

    本屆金馬60的開幕片《五月雪》,近日奪下第80屆威尼斯影展「電影藝術獎」(Cinema&Arts Awards),讓導演張吉安喜出望外。而昨(7)日《五月雪》更連傳雙喜獲選溫哥華國際影展(Vancouver International Film Festival)的好消息,該影展策展人歐陽寶珠(Pochu AuYeung)更盛讚《五月雪》「神秘且悲傷,令人難忘!」
    2023/09/08 14:56
  • S2O Taiwan重磅回歸! 強勢推出性感比基尼水舞盛宴

    S2O Taiwan潑水音樂節今(2023)年8月19、20日在台北大佳河濱公園盛大登場,活動由泰國S2O Factory Company團隊來台操刀指導、Rising Film風度影業主辦、泰樂文化執行,引進獨家360度水舞系統來台,號稱霸王級「最濕派對」S2O Songkran Music Festival潑水音樂節。
    2023/08/18 07:00
  • KMT presidential nominee Hou to attend swearing-in ceremony

    Hou You-yi, the Kuomintang (KMT) presidential nominee and current Mayor of New Taipei City, expressed his willingness on Friday to respect the party’s invitation to attend the upcoming swearing-in ceremony. Hou’s statement came during the 2023 New Taipei City Fly Higher Film Festival press conference held in New Taipei City, Taiwan.
    2023/05/19 17:27
  • 柯震東遠赴義大利 竟緊張到失眠、焦慮30小時

    由柯震東執導的電影《黑的教育》,擔任第25屆義大利烏迪內遠東國際影展(Udine Far East Film Festival)開幕片,台灣時間今(22)日舉辦盛大首映,導演柯震東率演員蔡凡熙赴義大利出席,首次帶著電影登陸歐洲的兩人,行前30小時失眠、胃痛、焦慮不已。開演前柯震東簡單與觀眾致意並說:「Relax!希望大家放輕鬆的觀看!」
    2023/04/22 18:10
  • 温昇豪身陷婚姻危機 悲中帶喜紅到國外成台灣之光

    由金鐘男星温昇豪、曾珮瑜及程希緹主演的新片《夢遊樂園》,近日勇奪第20屆義大利羅馬亞洲電影節(Asian Film Festival)「最佳原創電影」獎,評審團盛讚導演賴國安「透過對人性的關注,成功創造了一個迷人且深刻的世界」。導演賴國安特地隔洋以視頻表答感謝,他開心表示這份榮耀「大大鼓勵了自己」。
    2023/04/07 10:06
  • 鹿特丹影展揭曉入圍名單 驚見金馬獎「討論度超高」神片

    第52屆鹿特丹影展(International Film Festival Rotterdam)19日公佈入圍名單,榮獲本屆金馬獎最佳新導演等三項大獎提名的電影《海鷗來過的房間》,一舉飛進「未來之光」(Bright Future)單元。該片是澳門新銳導演孔慶輝的首部電影,他在本屆金馬獎入圍最佳新導演獎,與《黑的教育》導演柯震東,一起進到評審最終討論的名單內,孔慶輝得知消息後興奮地說:「感覺(鹿特丹)距離我很遙遠,能入選真的很開心,有得到聖誕禮物的感覺。」
    2022/12/21 23:43
  • 金馬準新人外婆過世 上山打獵突接噩耗情緒潰堤

    電影《哈勇家》榮獲本屆金馬獎最佳影片、導演、原創劇本、原創歌曲、女配角及新演員等6項大獎提名,日前再度成功進軍國際,獲選美國聖地牙哥亞洲電影節(San Diego Asian Film Festival)的「亞洲熱門」單元。片中飾演「孫子」、現年17歲的張祖鈞,第一次演戲就入圍金馬獎最佳新演員,但其實張祖鈞在拍攝《哈勇家》時,曾遭逢自己外婆過世,意外讓他的演出更加真實動人。
    2022/10/23 16:00
  • 宋芸樺床戰法國男星 自曝遭老外搭訕「行情很不錯」

    第79屆威尼斯國際影展(Venice International Film Festival)即將開展,文化內容策進院在今(24)日舉辦行前記者會。其中由台灣演員宋芸樺、黃遠、方郁婷、法國演員沙伊恩布曼丁主演的台法長片《為了國家》獲文策院「國際合作投資計畫(TICP)」投資,並角逐威尼斯國際影展正式競賽的「地平線」單元。在片中宋芸樺和沙伊恩布曼丁(Shaïn Boumedine)飾演情侶,受訪時透露有不少親密戲,但尺度到哪劇組卻賣關子。
    2022/08/24 19:10
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